Coloplast needed faster production – Primo responded
Global demand for urine bags is going one way only: Up. As a world-leading producer of such bags, Coloplast is in strong need of sub-suppliers who can keep up, and when Primo Medico was asked to increase production of critical medical tubing, a new extrusion line in Poland was commissioned in record time.
Danish medical giant Coloplast is widely regarded as one of the most innovative companies in the world and enjoys absolute trust from end users and health professionals alike.
Coloplast is one of the leading producers of bags that allow patients with urinary incontinence to lead lives as close to normal as possible. The bags are fitted with medical tubing produced by Primo Medico in Poland, and the quality and precision of these tubes are as important as the integrity of the bag itself.
Om Primo
Den danska koncernen har sitt huvudkontor i Köpenhamn och har försäljnings- och produktionsverksamhet på 11 platser i Europa och Kina. Koncernen har för närvarande 980 anställda och en omsättning på 174 miljoner euro (per 31.12.2023). Företaget grundades och ägs av familjen Grunnet och har sedan starten 1959 specialiserat sig på att designa och producera kundspecifika profillösningar i plast.