Primo launches new corporate website
New brighter color schemes, new modern design and increased access to information: Our new website reflects our increased focus on business areas, and the updated design reflects an optimistic and forward-looking philosophy.

The Primo Group is a rapidly expanding company, and with new markets opening up and new technologies emerging all the time in the world of plastics, our communications effort needs to be up to date.
Primo has just streamlined its organization with an increased focus on business areas and an international customer approach, and the need for new visual ideas was beginning to be felt.
Passion as the basic idea
The new website is built around a basic idea: Our passion for what we do. We are passionate about plastics extrusion and its many possibilities, and we are passionate about working with our customers to produce the best extruded profiles possible.
With a renewed focus on business areas, we designed the website around the idea that our customers come from a wide variety of very different businesses, and easy access to relevant information is vital for you – and us.
As a consequence, the website is built up around our value chain – the seven steps you’ll find in the middle of the start page – and the business areas we specialize in. With this approach, we hope you’ll find it easy and straightforward to delve into the exciting world of Primo.
Warm yellow and bright blue
With a refreshing new color scheme in blue and warm yellow, we tell the world that we are optimistic, forward-looking and dynamic. The three swans that constitute our logo and the deep blue of our logo are retained in order to remind us of how important our history and legacy is.
We hope you will enjoy our new website. You are welcome to give us feedback – write us at
About Primo
Headquartered in Copenhagen, the Danish group has sales and production activities at 11 locations in Europe and China. The group currently has 980 employees and a turnover of 174 million EUR (per 31.12.2023). The company was founded and owned by the Grunnet family and, since its beginning in 1959, has specialised in designing and producing customer-specific profile solutions in plastic.