Showcasing innovation at Subcontracting 2013
From September 24 to 26, Primo will be exhibiting at the International Industrial Subcontracting Trade Fair in Finland.
More than 1,000 exhibitors will descend on the Finnish city of Tampere in September, all of them subcontractors in metal, electronics, plastics and rubber industry.
The subcontracting fair is the place to be for companies who wish to showcase all the latest in their field of expertise and to search for business partners.
Primo will be there, too, at stand no. C 540.
A recurring event
The Subcontracting Trade Fair showcases metal, electronics, plastic and rubber industries and industrial ICT solutions, as well as planning and consulting services relevant to such industries. Over the course of three days, the leading Finnish trade fair for the subcontracting sector offers visitors a unique cross-section of the industry as a whole – its current state and future outlook, and all the latest innovations.
In 2012, more than 15,000 business professionals visited the fair, making it the second largest European trade show for industrial subcontracting.
Come and pay us a visit - and see all the latest innovations in plastics extrusion.
Visit Subcontracting Trade Fair here
Om Primo
Den danska koncernen har sitt huvudkontor i Köpenhamn och har försäljnings- och produktionsverksamhet på 11 platser i Europa och Kina. Koncernen har för närvarande 980 anställda och en omsättning på 174 miljoner euro (per 31.12.2023). Företaget grundades och ägs av familjen Grunnet och har sedan starten 1959 specialiserat sig på att designa och producera kundspecifika profillösningar i plast.