Discover the guide DESIGN & TOOLING

Design & Tooling Guide

Learn how to improve your product

The possibilities are endless when working with plastic extrusion. The key to success is knowing what systems, tools, raw materials, and procedures. In this tooling guide, we present how we, as front runners in the extrusion industry, work with best practices and advanced tools to develop new profiles - with our customers. 

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Material comparison for plastic profiles

Rethink you product design

By re-thinking plastic design you will:

  • do things right the first time
  • save time in your manufacturing process
  • save costs for the end customer
  • achieve the optimal tolerances
  • choose the right material
  • ensure easy assembly
  • create a sustainable product by reducing scrap and using recycled materials
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We speed up your development process

We have the labs and tools for all tests such as ageing test and stress tests, and we speed up the time-to-market by building prototypes on our 3D-printers.

It all starts with your ideas

An extruded plastic profile can be made in almost any design you can imagine.

We innovate together, considering the requirements for your product such as ease of use, agility in the production process, costs, sustainability, durability and many other important factors, including compliance with standards and legal requirements.

During the process, we will use our project management platform including checkpoints and tests, together with CAD computing, detailed drawings, and 3D prints.

In this guide we have outlined how we work with tooling and how we can innovate together.

Download the guide to speed up your time to market
Primo tooling competences and knowledge
Get in touch

Do you want to know more about how toselect the right material?

Jaakko Salo
Jaakko Salo
Group Commercial Director

Jaakko Salo is the group's head of sales, with a broad understanding of the different markets and industries. In close collaboration with Primo’s dedicated sales teams, Jaakko is your guarantee for a future-fit approach to product development. In the area of sales development, Jaakko is at the forefront of the search for advanced solutions with a lower carbon footprint and faster time-to-market, in line with our FUTURE FIT programme and our slogan "Profiles of Tomorrow".
Speaks: English, Finnish

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